Saturday, September 27, 2014

Last Light

Last Light

Acrylic on paper
600 X 250mm

Last light was inspired by an evening sunset I experienced while I was in Borneo.

Wainui Water

Wainui Water

Aryclic on paper
250 X 600mm

I thought about calling this something like watersnake. The light strike on the surface of the water reminds me of a snake traveling towards you. It was an experiment to see how to display the above and below water worlds.

I am lucky enough to live close to water where you can see down to the bottom. Apart from after a storm when the sand gets churned up, the water is usually very clear. If you peel away the glistening coat, and look underneath the surface it is as beautiful below as it is above.

Having been fortunate enough to swim in water all around the world I know that this is not the case everywhere. In some really beautiful places it is really sad to find that the sparkly surface sometimes hides a layer of plastic lurking just out of sight.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wainui Beach

Wainui Beach


Acrylic on paper
600 X 250 mm

Wainui Beach is a piece based on the beach over the road from where we live.  When we first visited the beach it was white sand as far as the eye could see. Then after a huge storm we visited the beach and discovered that it had been striped of sand and was almost unrecognizable. Large platforms of rock emerged from the water, it was hard to believe that they had always been there. Hard to imagine the quantity of sand required to bury them and that had moved in just one night.  Now we are familiar with this regular change in the beach. It makes every trip to the beach something new. Will a new form on the water line be uncovered or will we simply have white sand as far as the eye can see.